Establishing Supportive Networks and Communities - Build a Strong Support Network

In today's competitive world, building a strong support network is vital for personal and professional growth. Support networks provide valuable resources, guidance, and encouragement on our journey to success.

We’re going to cover:

  • The power of networking​
  • Leveraging Social Media - online communities & how to stay connected​
  • LinkedIn – a powerful tool for professional growth​

The power of networking

Leveraging Social Media

Online communities and how to stay connected:

  • Be present
  • Participate actively
  • Stay connected

LinkedIn: a powerful tool for professional growth

  • Create
  • Connect
  • Engage

Time to act!

Find 3 online and/or offline events related to your interests to attend by the end of the year. Enroll and save the date! Then set a personal goal to go back home at the end of the event with a certain number of connections. Follow up!

“Networking is not about just connecting people. It’s about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities.”—Michele Jennae

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