Overcoming Fears & Limiting Beliefs - Fears & Needs

We begin the series of self-paced videos for module two - Overcoming Fears and Limiting Beliefs - with Fears and Needs.

We’re going to cover:

  • What is fear and where it comes from
  • How do limiting beliefs and fears connect​
  • What to be aware of when it comes to fears & limiting beliefs ​
  • How to identify your needs behind a specific fear​
  • Action: Shake your unhealthy beliefs with “The Work” by Katie Byron​

What Is Fear and​ Where It Comes From

Fear means:

  • A natural and instinctual emotion as a response to danger.
  • Out basic survival mechanism, that keeps us from harm’s way.
  • An essential part of the human experience, in the mind and body.
  • What is ingrained in the mechanism “Fight, Flight, Freeze”.
  • What can manifest as a phobia, as anxiety, or as a specific type of fear.​

How do limiting beliefs and fears connect​

  • Fears can emerge from limiting beliefs, if afraid of contradicting them.​
  • Fear is intensified by confirmation bias, which reinforces limiting beliefs.​
  • Limiting beliefs trigger negative self-talk, leading to fear & self-criticism.​
  • Limiting beliefs include fear of failure, rejection or not being accepted.
  • Connecting limiting beliefs with fears creates a self-fulfilling prophecy.​

What to be mindful of

  • Breaking the cycle of fear implies reframing limiting beliefs.
  • Don’t step away from feeling fearful, but act within that place of fear.
  • To address fear & limiting beliefs be self-aware and take action.
  • A negative mindset created by fear & limiting beliefs hinders success.​
  • Practice “Name it to tame it” approach to (re)gain control.

How to Identify​ Your Needs

1. Question your fears. Ask “What am I trying to protect / avoid?”​

2. Explore your beliefs. Ask “How did it start? Which needs are behind?​

3. Examine your thought patterns. Ask “Which are repeated & why?”​

4. Seek feedback. Ask friends, family, mentors “What do you see?”​

5. Challenge assumptions. Ask “Is this really true? With what evidence?”​

Shake Your ​Unhealthy Beliefs

1. Is this belief 100% true?​

2. Which proof do you have that is 100% true? Or that it is false?​

3. What do you feel and how do you act when this belief resurfaces?​

4. Who are you without this belief?​

5. How would you rephrase this belief, so it becomes supportive?​

“Courage is not having the strength to go on.​ It is going on when you don't have the strength.” - Theodore Roosevelt​

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