Intro Team | What you will learn in this module

The road from an idea to a successful business is often sinuous and full of challenges - that is why it helps to be surrounded by the right people, both in terms of professional experience, but also in terms of mindset and values.

In addition to the actual development of the business, the team is one of the very important aspects that investors consider when deciding whether or not to support a startup. That's why in this chapter you'll find useful information on how to build a solid team (whether it's a small one or a large one), how to grow it and how to cultivate a healthy internal culture. Starting right from you, the founder.   

Once you have read this chapter you will know how to:  

  • Better understand where your personal motivation originates from  

  • Recruit the people you need    

  • Build functional teams   

  • Be a better leader, in both good and unstable times    

Here are the topics you will learn about from the articles in this chapter/module:  

#Personal values, motivation and shared purpose   

How to discover what your personal values that will guide you on your professional path are (either as an entrepreneur or as a member of a team), what the mechanisms behind motivation are, and how you bring them together in a team with the same goal.   

#Recruitment process in a startup  

Where to start, what to keep in mind during the pandemic, but also how you identify those people with great potential that you want in your team.   

#Documentation and interview  

How to analyze the CVs you receive (how to do background screening), then how to make sure that you ask relevant questions during the interview to get to know the person in front of you better.   

#All about leadership and team development   

What it actually means to be a good leader, how to become one and how to make sure that your team develops and has a harmonious dynamic.   

#How to build your employer brand   

From the beginning, it will be important how people interested in your company perceive you and how you use your own channels to convey the messages that are important to them.   

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