Financial Management: Concepts and Principles

Where do you start when you want to navigate the technicalities of the financial management of a business? A good first step is to familiarize yourself with the specific terms on the one hand and follow some basic principles on the other. You can learn all about it from this article.

As a new entrepreneur (but also thereafter), you need to constantly monitor the financial health of your business. Moreover, you will most likely interact with banks and creditors, investors or other business partners – and in all these situations, financial vocabulary is very important. Below you will find a list of the most commonly used concepts, and in the second part of the material discover the principles to guide you.  

The most common financial concepts for entrepreneurs  

  • Cashflow - is part of the financial planning, being one of the basic elements for a successful business. It shows, over a period of time, all the cycles of your business, i.e. the high and low points, incoming cash and outgoing cash respectively. Find out from the dedicated course how to prepare it!  

***video in EN with RO subtitles 

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