Setting your vision

Why are vision and goal setting important managerial skills? Because having clarity in these areas means that objectives will be met in a coherent, smooth process.

Your vision is a “picture” of what you aspire to – and what inspires you – in your work life. Therefore, articulating your vision statement is the first step in helping you eventually reach your goals. Creating the statement of a shared vision is an exercise of thorough, open communication, exploration of assumptions, research, and co-creation. 

A vision statement describes the business as it would appear in a future successful state. When developing a vision statement, try to answer this question: If the business were to achieve all of its strategic goals, what would it look like 10 years from now?  

An effective vision statement is inspirational and aspirational. It creates a mental image of the future state that the organization wishes to achieve. A vision statement should challenge and inspire entrepreneurs. 

A vision statement describes what you want your business to become in the future. Keep the following in mind as you create your vision statement:  

  • Inspire. It should be aspirational and inspirational. 
  • Not a How-To. Ideally, the statement should be one sentence in length and should not explain how the vision will be met.  
  • Ask Yourself. When developing your vision, keep these questions in mind: What is unique about doing business with your brand? / How would your customers describe your brand? / Where do you want your business to be in five years? 
  • Take Into Account Differences in People. Some people arrive at a vision through analysis and others arrive by dreaming about the future. All of these perspectives can drive a great vision - embrace them all. 
  • Bring focus into the process. Vision can be the most enjoyable part of planning, but the part where time easily gets away from you. 

Some vision statements from well-known companies are: 

  • Creative Commons: Realizing the full potential of the internet - universal access to research and education, full participation in culture - to drive a new era of development, growth, and productivity. 
  • Microsoft (at its founding): A computer on every desk and in every home

The worksheet below will guide you through the development of your business vision statement. Give it a try! 


Setting Your Vision


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