How to set SMART goals

This article will introduce the strategies behind the ability to identify and set specific, measurable, realistic, and time-bound goals to plan a feasible entrepreneurial project with the relevant activity template.

Whether you are setting up short-term and long-term goals, there is a set of rules known as SMART goals.  

Goals state a desired future achievement and SMART goals will assist you in “getting focused” and help you define exactly what the “future state” looks like and how it will be measured. SMART is an acronym. 

In other words, state clearly what you want to achieve. It must be something concrete and doable. Frame it in a way that allows you to measure your activity and include a deadline. 

Here is an example of a SMART goal setting:

How to set correct, attainable goals | Best practices  

Before you start writing your goal, reflect on the following questions: 

  • How much time do you have available? 
  • How much energy and desire do you have to reach this goal? 
  • What level of knowledge requires the goal? 
  • Will you need new knowledge? 
  • How do you expect to reach your goal? 
  • Are you able to estimate the effort required in relation to the value of the outcome? 
  • Is this a big goal to be divided into sub-objectives? 
  • What is the timing? 
  • Are there any quick benefits? 
  • Do you need support to reach your goals? From whom - colleagues, your partner, your staff? How will you ask for support? Are you able to organize goals over a given period of time - in the short, medium, and long term? 
  • Do you know other people who have achieved similar goals - can you learn from them and shape your behavior based on their success? 

How to write a SMART goal

Let us analyze an example: "We will teach young people how to become entrepreneurs." 

Is it a SMART goal? 

  • It is not specific enough. 
  • It does not specify when it will be accomplished.
  • It does not specify the number or the category of young people targeted.  
  • It does not indicate when we will do it. 

In other words, this is just a "draft" of a goal.  

''Using non-formal educational methods, we will develop the entrepreneurial skills of 30 young people from Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany through 5 workshops to be held in May and June 2024.''  

This is a very well-written SMART goal! 

Words to avoid 

  • Try 
  • I should 
  • I could 
  • Soon 
  • Probably 
  • Maybe

Are you ready to work on setting your own SMART goals? Download the SMART goal-setting worksheet and plan away!


SMART goal-setting worksheet


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