Loans, grants or listing on the stock exchange? Discover all the financing tools for your business!
In recent years, more and more support initiatives – both financial and educational – have been launched in order to support the creative entrepreneurial ecosystem. Regardless of their type, they have a great potential of strengthening early-stage initiatives and to contribute to thriving creative scaleups.
If you open a business or if you want to develop the company's activity, you need to pay attention to the investment that this entails: from options to costs to be covered in the future, related to the investment.
Understand the logic behind the crowdfunding process and create your own campaign according to the template: with budget templates, communication strategy and concrete campaign materials.
In recent years, more and more support initiatives – both financial and educational – have been launched in order to support the creative entrepreneurial ecosystem. Regardless of their type, they have a great potential of strengthening early-stage initiatives and to contribute to thriving creative scaleups.