How to cultivate in yourself and in others a healthy mindset related to work and how to use your own potential correctly. In this section, you will learn how to become better personally and in business.
Documentat prima dată la finalul anilor ’70, în rândul femeilor de afaceri de succes, sindromul impostorului provoacă neîncredere în forțele proprii și – în cazul antreprenorilor – poate reduce productivitatea și genera stres, epuizare și probleme de sănătate. Află mai jos care sunt cauzele și cum îl poți combate.
For startups, finding the right people to complete the teams is a challenging process, and in the context of the pandemic, team dynamics and human resource management seem even more complicated. Here's how you can get the people you need on your team.
When you're looking for a new person for your team, you're looking for more than just an employee: yes, you need someone with a certain experience, but some jobs sometimes require rarer skills as well. In order to find this person, you have to make full use of 3 personal skills
A common goal is what unites the team and brings in efficiency, positive energy, focus and responsibility. It is essential for collaboration, innovation and results. Viorel Panaite, founder of Human Invest, will tell you how you can gather people around the same goal to build together things that last.
We all need to find meaning in what we do – to know what the impact of our work is and that it is aligned with our own values. Here's how you find the "compass" you'll need during the difficult moments you'll go through as an entrepreneur and how resilience is built.